- Î÷Ê©Ö±²¥APP School District
- Overview & Services
- Chromebook Initiative
Information Technology
ASD Chromebook Information
What is the 1:1 Chromebook Initiative?
The Î÷Ê©Ö±²¥APP School District provides each student from grades 3 through 12 with access to a Chromebook device in order to facilitate learning. There is a ratio of 1 device for each student at these grades level (1:1). Starting in 6th grade, students will have a device checked out to them for their educational use. Students keep their device all the way through graduation, or until they leave the District. For grades 3 through 5, the Chromebook devices are kept in the schools for student use. For grades below 3, devices are kept at schools at a lower ratio.
Access to appropriate technology can improve communication, enhance thinking skills, enhance instructional outcomes, and develop life skills critical to success in tomorrow's society. Technology offers students an avenue to succeed as citizens in a global society in which information is growing at an incredible rate. The Î÷Ê©Ö±²¥APP School District will enhance curriculum through technology use across subject areas by providing students access to devices and increased opportunities for blended learning through the district's 1:1 initiative in grades 6th-12th. This will support our goals of:
- Improving reading proficiency
- Improving math proficiency
- Students should graduate with essential life skills and be college and/or career-ready.
- Educational opportunities should be equitable for all students in the District.
- A diverse and highly professional workforce is essential for the success of all students.
Device Purpose
Chromebook devices and accessories (e.g., power cord, WiFi hotspot) are the property of the Î÷Ê©Ö±²¥APP School District (ASD). The instructional device’s function is to provide each student access to educational materials needed to be successful with blended learning in the classroom. The Chromebook allows student access to Google Apps for Education, educational web-based tools, as well as many other useful sites. The supplied device is an educational tool and is not intended for gaming, social Î÷Ê©Ö±²¥APP or high end computing.
Receiving Your Chromebook
In order to facilitate digital learning components, every student in grade 6 and above is issued an ASD Chromebook by their school.
Device User Agreement
- Students must sign the Device User Agreement in order to have a Chromebook checked out to them.
- The Device User Agreement is a part of the online registration packet.
- If you have not completed the ASD Device User Agreement or initially declined an ASD Chromebook and now wish to have one checked out to your student (this is applicable to 6th grade and up or full time ASD Virtual students), please contact your school and complete the following Device User Agreement: LINK
Returning Your Chromebook
The following conditions require students to return their Chromebook and accessories.
Students Leaving the District
Any student that is not expected to return to ASD should return their device and any accessories to the school they were previously enrolled in.
Graduating seniors are expected to return their device after they finish course work. For further details, students should contact their school.
AKChoice Virtual
If the student is enrolled in the AKChoice Virtual Program AND in grades 5 or below, the Device (and any related accessories) must be returned to the school of enrollment.
If the Chromebook and accessories are not returned, the parent/guardian may be held responsible for the replacement cost of the equipment and student records may not be released until the replacement cost of the lost/damaged device or accessory is paid to the school. -
Healthy Use of Chromebooks
Looking at blue light in the evening and late at night can interfere with your sleep patterns. To reduce the effects, activate the Night Light feature on your Chrome OS device. This reduces the amount of blue light the screen emits by reducing blue colors and emphasizing warmer, amber tones. Red hues are easier to see at night and can help you fall asleep faster. More information is
Using Your Chromebook
The Chromebook is intended for daily use at school and home. If the Chromebook has been checked out to the student, the student is responsible for bringing it to school every day, fully-charged.
Taking Care of Your Chromebook
Students are responsible for the general care of the Chromebook which they have been issued. Students must notify their teacher of Chromebooks that are broken or fail to function properly.
General Precautions
- No food or drink is allowed next to your Chromebook.
- Cords and cables must be inserted carefully into the Chromebook.
- Students should never carry their Chromebook while the screen is open.
- Chromebooks should be shut down when not in use to conserve battery life.
- Chromebooks should never be forced into a bookbag as this may break the screen.
- Do not expose your Chromebook to extreme temperature or direct sunlight for extended periods of time. Extreme heat or cold may cause damage to the Chromebook.
- Do not leave your Chromebook in a vehicle overnight.
- If the Chromebook has gotten hot or cold (for example leaving it in the car during the summer or winter), bring the Chromebook inside and allow it to cool/warm to room temperature before powering it on.
Carrying the Chromebook
The protective shell of the Chromebook will only provide basic protection from everyday use. It is not designed to prevent damage from drops or abusive handling. Carrying the Chromebook in a padded backpack or padded book bag is acceptable provided the backpack or bookbag is handled with care. For example, you shouldn’t toss the bag or drop the bag if your Chromebook is inside.
Screen Care
The Chromebook screen can be damaged if subjected to rough treatment. The screens are particularly sensitive to damage from excessive pressure on the screen.
- Do not lean on top of the Chromebook.
- Do not place anything near the Chromebook that could put pressure on the screen.
- Do not place anything in the carrying case that will press against the cover.
- Do not poke the screen.
- Do not place anything on the keyboard before closing the lid (e.g. pens, pencils, notebooks).
- Clean the screen with a soft, dry anti-static or microfiber cloth. Do not use window cleaner, water or any type of liquid on the Chromebook.
- If your Chromebook is NOT a touch screen, do not use a stylus on the screen.
- If your Chromebook is touch enabled, a stylus with a soft tip may be used.
Personalizing the Chromebook
Chromebooks must remain free of any writing, drawing, or stickers. They should be treated as any other instructional material.
Managing Your Files and Saving Your Work
Students may save documents to their Google Drive. Saving to Google Drive will make the file accessible from any computer with internet access. Students using Google Drive to work on their documents will not need to save their work, as Google Drive will save each keystroke as the work is being completed while connected to the internet. It will be the responsibility of the student to maintain the integrity of their files and keep proper backups.
Additional information regarding network storage and Google Drive can be found in the .
Software on Chromebooks
Chromebook software is delivered via the Chrome Web Store. These are web-based applications that do not require installation space on a hard drive. The software originally installed on the Chromebook must remain on the Chromebook in usable condition and easily accessible at all times.
From time to time the school may add software applications for use in a particular course. This process will be automatic with virtually no impact on students. Applications that are no longer needed will automatically be removed by the school as well.
Virus Protection: Virus protection is unnecessary on the Chromebook due to the unique nature of its design.
Content Filtering: Web sites and district Google Drive activity are monitored. Content identified as inappropriate for a school environment is filtered out or quarantined.
Additional Software: Students are unable to install additional software on their Chromebook other than what has been approved by Î÷Ê©Ö±²¥APP School District.
Software Updates: In order to receive updates, the Chromebook should be shut down via the menu and restarted daily.
Chromebook Identification
Chromebooks will be labeled in the manner specified by ASD IT. Chromebooks can be identified by:
- Record of serial number
Under no circumstances are students to modify, remove, or destroy identification labels.
Repairing or Replacing Your Chromebook
If a Chromebook is no longer working or has been lost, report the problem to your teacher.
Another device may be assigned to replace the lost or broken Chromebook.
If a replacement is needed because of intentional damage/vandalism or if there is a chronic loss issue
The school may refuse to provide a replacement device
Students and parents may be charged for the replacement
The following fees are associated with lost or damaged devices:
Lost/Missing/Vandalized Chromebook
Lost/Missing/Vandalized Charger
Helpful Links:
- Canvas -
- Blackboard -
- Q ParentConnection -